domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

Welcome Back!!! Happy 2015!!!

Friday 9th January, 2015

Happy New Year!!!
Hello kids!

It was great to see you again! But…where’s César? We will see him next Friday.

First you told me what presents you got at Christmas and on Twelfth Night. Do you remember the questions?
·         What presents did Father Christmas bring you?
·         What presents did The Three Wise Men bring you?
You must have been very good kids because you got a lot of presents!!!
Father Christmas brought Sara an orange dragon which looks like ‘Little Flame’, her name is Valerit. Valerit came to visit Little Flame but he is still on holiday. They can meet next Friday. If Valerit wants to…

We met Teresa’s family.
·         Who is this? He’s Teresa’s brother. His name is Pedro.
·         Who is she? She’s Teresa’s mother.
·         Who is he? He’s Teresa’s father.
·         Where are they? They are at the amusement park.
·         When do they go to the amusement park? They go to the amusement park on Saturday.
·         How often do they go to the amusement park? They sometimes go to the amusement park.

How often? Always, usually, sometimes, never.

·         Teresa and Pedro always go to the amusement park with their family.
·         Teresa never goes to school on Saturday.
·         Pedro usually goes swimming at the weekend.
·         Teresa’s father sometimes travels by train.

After that we played some games.
First, we had to mime actions that our classmates had to guess.
·         What does Eva do? She paints.
·         What does David do? He writes.
·         What does Raúl do? He watches TV.

Then, we played ‘Hot potato’. We say an action ‘dance’ and throw the ball. The other person catches the ball and says ‘dances’ and a new action, for example ‘play’, and throws the ball.

…and…the class finished!

Don’t forget homework.
Exercise ‘Saturday activities’ from photocopy p.14.
And a survey.

Ask five questions to your father, mother, brother, sister, a friend or all of them.
Ask questions like these:
How often do you go to the cinema?
How often do you play tennis?

Survey  How often do you…?
How often do you go to the cinema?
Always   usually   sometimes   never
How often do you play tennis?
Always   usually   sometimes   never
How often do you …?
Always   usually   sometimes   never
How often do you …?
Always   usually   sometimes   never
How often do you …?
Always   usually   sometimes   never

Next Friday we start our Games! Lucía has 5 points I promised her last year. I didn’t forget!

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