martes, 20 de enero de 2015

What do People Do at the Weekend?

Friday 16th January, 2015

Hello kids!
 Hi, César. Nice to see you again!

Last class we talked about activities people do at the weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday.

We say the person + the activity + who with?
·         Clara goes to the cinema with her mother and father.
·         David plays football with his brother.
·         Eva dances with her mum.
·         Raúl goes to the amusement park with his family.
·         Ángela roller-skates with Lucía.
·         Sara paints with César.

We listened and said things people do at the weekend.

·         Mr. Jones plays golf at the weekend.
·         Mrs. Jones watches TV at the weekend.
·         Mr. Jones washes the car at the weekend.
·         Mrs. Jones paints pictures at the weekend.

We played ‘hot potato’ with:

I play
He plays
I do
He does
I visit
He visits
I go
He goes
I paint
He paints
I watch
He watches
I cook
He cooks
I wash
He washes
I clean
He cleans
I study
He studies
I dance
He dances

I jump
He jumps

I swim
He swims

Write three things you do or your father or mother does and say when they do it.
·         My mother cooks at the weekend.
·         I study English on Friday.

If a verb ends in: x,s,sh,ch,o- then we add E and S
Example: do+s= does, fetch+s= fetches
He .           He .         He .                 They .
He .                                         He .                He .       

 Do the rest of the exercise on this link. Click here!

We started taking Little Flame to our house. First, he visited Sara. He is going to meet Valerit. I hope they become friends. This term we are going to show Little Flame our world. First, Sara is going to teach them about animals. She can go to the zoo and tell him the animals that live there. The animals that live in the forest or in the jungle and also pets.

For example:
I go to the zoo with my family and Little Flame on Saturday. In the zoo, we see lions, tigers, giraffes and monkeys. I like giraffes because they are very tall. Little Flame plays with the monkeys.
On Sunday I go to the forest. We see squirrels and birds. The birds sing very well. Little Flame flies with the birds.
Little Flame in the zoo

Little Flame in the forest

Our First Games
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7

See you on Friday!

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