viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015

Where do you Live?

Friday 6th February, 2015

Hello everybody! How are you?
 Eva, are you fine? We haven’t seen you in two weeks! Do you have a cold?

First, Lucía told us about Little Flame’s routines.  The things he always does; the things that he sometimes does and other things that he never does.
This week, Little Flame is with Ángela. Ángela, remember that you have to write five sentences with rooms of the house. For example: Little Flame is in the kitchen. He is next to the fridge. You can draw a picture or take a photo.

Secondly, we wrote about the family’s routines.
·         My father always goes shopping on Saturdays.
·         My cousin sometimes plays football in the park.
·         My aunt usually goes to the cinema.
·         My brother never cleans his room.
Later, we talked about houses. Do you remember the rooms in the house?

We learn some new words like:  Armchair      Carpet    Curtains    Fan

  • Where do you live?   I live in a flat in the city. I live on the second floor.
  • Where does Luis live? He lives in a flat in the city. He lives on the fourth floor.
  • Does Ángela live in a cottage? No, she doesn’t.
  • Does Raúl live in a house? Yes, he does.
  • Does Lucía live in a town? No, she doesn’t.
  • Does David live in a cottage? No, he doesn’t.
  • César lives in a house in a town.
  • Sara lives in a flat in the city.
 Flat – house - cottage

We brainstormed ideas about things we don’t like or that we liked to change. This is the first stage of our project: Feel! Next day, we’ll write them on post -its.
Next Friday we are having a ‘Flipped Class’, same as we did on Halloween. This time the theme is going to be ‘Saint Valentine’s Day’ and also ‘Carnival’.
    GAME 4
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8

Have a nice weekend!

See you on Friday!

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