martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

In the Park, At theTennis Club, On the Beach

Friday 22nd May

Hello boys and girls!  How are you?
What did we do last week?
Raúl told us about Abraham Lincoln. Little Flame met Abraham Lincoln last week. Abraham Lincoln was born on a farm. He was born in February 1809. He was a farmer, a shop assistant and a lawyer. He was the 16th president of the US. He started freedom (liberty) for slaves. He was assassinated in a theatre.
We use told, met, started and was, because it’s the past.
After that, we listened and talked about what the people ‘are doing’ (now, at the moment)
What are you doing, mum?
I’m making a cake
What are you doing, Grandma?
I’m drawing you, Stella.
What are you doing, Grandpa?
I’m cleaning my shoes.
What are you doing, Simon?
I’m flying your kite.
What are you doing, Suzy?
I’m spelling ‘beautiful’

We said what they are eating.
·         He’s eating an ice-cream.
·         She’s eating an orange.
·         They’re eating apples.
·         The monkey’s eating a banana.
Then, we listened and said what the kids do and where they do it.
·         They’re riding their bikes in the park.
·         He’s swimming in the swimming pool.
·         She’s eating at a restaurant.
·         They’re watching a film at the cinema.
·         He’s playing tennis at the tennis club.

And we finished the class recording the first part of our project. Next Friday we are going to decorate the girls’ toilet in the academy Learn & Enjoy!!!

Don’t forget homework!
Write 6 sentences using these verbs and some of these expressions:
Run, ride, watch, walk, play, eat
At the cinema, at a restaurant, at the tennis club.
In the park, in the swimming pool.
On the beach, on an island, on a farm.
Only six sentences!!!
             GAME 5
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8

See you on Friday!

martes, 19 de mayo de 2015

Hello, What are you Doing?

Friday 15th May

Hello! How are you?
I hope you are fine.

Last Friday we started with Lucía telling us about Henry VIII, the famous king of England.

Then, we reviewed the time. We can tell the time in two different ways: analog or digital time. You can review it watching the video on the previous blog.

We corrected the exercises with the verb ‘to be’.
·         My father is a taxi driver.
·         It’s a cute cat.
·         My grandparents are old.
·         They are at school.
Do you remember the verb ‘To be’
Long form
Short form

I am a teacher.
I’m a teacher.
I ‘m not a teacher.
Am I a teacher?
You are Raúl.
You aren’t Marcos.
Are you Marcos?
He is David.
He’s David.
He isn’t David.
Is he David?
She is Eva.
She’s Eva.
She isn’t Eva.
Is she Eva?
It is a dragon.
It’s a dragon.
It isn’t a dragon.
Is it a dragon?
We are students.
We’re students.
We aren’t students.
Are we students?
You are boys.
You’re boys.
You aren’t boys.
Are you boys?
They are girls.
They’re girls.
They aren’t girls.
Are they girls?
This is important because we use it to say what we are doing at the moment.
What are you doing? I’m typing a blog. (Now, at this moment)
Then we watched a video starring Mr. Bean to learn actions happening at the moment.
 After that, we played the game: “What am I doing?”
  • What am I doing?
  • Are you washing your face? No, I’m not.
  • Are you brushing your teeth? No, I’m not.
  • Are you washing your hands? Yes, I am!

 Then, we listened to the description of George. And after the listening, we described George’s friends.

·         His name is George.
·         He is tall and thin.
·         He has got short dark hair and brown eyes.
·         He’s wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans.
·         He likes playing tennis and volleyball.

Can you describe Donna and Michael?
 And we finished painting our poster for the project! We’ll put it up next Friday after the break!
Homework: exercises on pages 34 and 35 of the photocopy.
            GAME 4
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8

See you on Friday!

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

I am a Teacher, you are Students...

Friday 8th May

Hello everybody! How are you?

Last Friday we revised the time, do you remember?
You used a wooden clock to place the hands for the hours and the minutes and our classmates had to tell what time it is.
We also asked, what time do you…/ what time does she…?
·         What time does Raúl go to bed?
·         What time do you brush your teeth?
·         What time does César have classes?
·         What time do you have breakfast?
·         What time does Lucía comb her hair?

·         Luis does his homework at seven o’clock in the afternoon.
·         Eva has lunch at two o`clock in the afternoon.
·         Ángela and Sara have English lessons on Friday in the afternoon and in the evening.

We can tell the time in two different ways:
·      It’s half past seven in the morning. It’s seven thirty a. m.
·      It’s quarter to eight in the evening. It’s seven forty-five p. m.
a.m. means in the morning. p.m. means after 12.00.In the afternoon or in the evening.

We played ‘pairs’ with the cards that Sara made. These ones!!!

And we learnt the verb ‘to be’. Do you remember?

Long form
Short form
I am a teacher.
I’m a teacher.
You are Luis.
You’re Luis.
He is David.
He’s David.
She is Eva.
She’s Eva.
It is Little Flame.
It’s Little Flame.
We are students.
We’re students.
You are boys.
You’re boys.
They are girls.
They’re girls.

And… our games!!!
            GAME 3
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8
Don’t forget to complete the exercises for homework. You can use the chart above.

See you on Friday!!!