martes, 26 de mayo de 2015

In the Park, At theTennis Club, On the Beach

Friday 22nd May

Hello boys and girls!  How are you?
What did we do last week?
Raúl told us about Abraham Lincoln. Little Flame met Abraham Lincoln last week. Abraham Lincoln was born on a farm. He was born in February 1809. He was a farmer, a shop assistant and a lawyer. He was the 16th president of the US. He started freedom (liberty) for slaves. He was assassinated in a theatre.
We use told, met, started and was, because it’s the past.
After that, we listened and talked about what the people ‘are doing’ (now, at the moment)
What are you doing, mum?
I’m making a cake
What are you doing, Grandma?
I’m drawing you, Stella.
What are you doing, Grandpa?
I’m cleaning my shoes.
What are you doing, Simon?
I’m flying your kite.
What are you doing, Suzy?
I’m spelling ‘beautiful’

We said what they are eating.
·         He’s eating an ice-cream.
·         She’s eating an orange.
·         They’re eating apples.
·         The monkey’s eating a banana.
Then, we listened and said what the kids do and where they do it.
·         They’re riding their bikes in the park.
·         He’s swimming in the swimming pool.
·         She’s eating at a restaurant.
·         They’re watching a film at the cinema.
·         He’s playing tennis at the tennis club.

And we finished the class recording the first part of our project. Next Friday we are going to decorate the girls’ toilet in the academy Learn & Enjoy!!!

Don’t forget homework!
Write 6 sentences using these verbs and some of these expressions:
Run, ride, watch, walk, play, eat
At the cinema, at a restaurant, at the tennis club.
In the park, in the swimming pool.
On the beach, on an island, on a farm.
Only six sentences!!!
             GAME 5
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8

See you on Friday!

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