miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

I am a Teacher, you are Students...

Friday 8th May

Hello everybody! How are you?

Last Friday we revised the time, do you remember?
You used a wooden clock to place the hands for the hours and the minutes and our classmates had to tell what time it is.
We also asked, what time do you…/ what time does she…?
·         What time does Raúl go to bed?
·         What time do you brush your teeth?
·         What time does César have classes?
·         What time do you have breakfast?
·         What time does Lucía comb her hair?

·         Luis does his homework at seven o’clock in the afternoon.
·         Eva has lunch at two o`clock in the afternoon.
·         Ángela and Sara have English lessons on Friday in the afternoon and in the evening.

We can tell the time in two different ways:
·      It’s half past seven in the morning. It’s seven thirty a. m.
·      It’s quarter to eight in the evening. It’s seven forty-five p. m.
a.m. means in the morning. p.m. means after 12.00.In the afternoon or in the evening.

We played ‘pairs’ with the cards that Sara made. These ones!!!

And we learnt the verb ‘to be’. Do you remember?

Long form
Short form
I am a teacher.
I’m a teacher.
You are Luis.
You’re Luis.
He is David.
He’s David.
She is Eva.
She’s Eva.
It is Little Flame.
It’s Little Flame.
We are students.
We’re students.
You are boys.
You’re boys.
They are girls.
They’re girls.

And… our games!!!
            GAME 3
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7
Player 8
Don’t forget to complete the exercises for homework. You can use the chart above.

See you on Friday!!!

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